intern_充分利用Outreachy Intern申请流程
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by Joannah Nanjekye

乔安娜·南耶基(Joannah Nanjekye)

充分利用Outreachy Intern申请流程 (Get the most out of your Outreachy Intern application process)

gives three-month paid internships for persons that are underrepresented in tech. Interns are paid a stipend of $5,500 and have a $500 travel stipend available to them.

为在技术领域代表性不足的人员提供为期三个月的带薪实习。 实习生将获得$ 5,500的津贴,并为他们提供$ 500的旅行津贴。

Outreachy interns work remotely with mentors from Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) communities on projects for programming, user experience, documentation, illustration and graphical design, and data science tasks.


I participated in Outreachy round 14 from May through August 2017 with . I was working on expanding S3 testing for Ceph’s Rados Gateway. This opportunity changed my career for the good. From starting me working with open source to making me a confident engineer — and giving me the platform to many job opportunities.

我从2017年5月至2017年8月参加了第14轮外展活动。 我当时正在为Ceph的Rados Gateway扩展S3测试。 这次机会改变了我的职业生涯。 从开始使用开源软件到使我成为一名自信的工程师,并为我提供了许多就业机会的平台。

The Outreachy internship applications open twice a year — in February for the May through August — in September for the December through March cohorts.


Well, like me during my application process, you are probably wondering “How do I ace this?” if you are an applicant. From some direct messages and pings I have gotten on this in the past, I will share some thoughts.

好吧,就像我在申请过程中一样,您可能想知道“我该如何应对?” 如果您是申请人。 通过我过去获得的一些直接信息和ping信息,我将分享一些想法。

过程 (The process)

Before I share my thoughts on how to go through this process, I will point out a disclaimer. These thoughts are not a guarantee that you will get in, they are just guidelines that could help you in my opinion.

在分享我对如何进行此过程的想法之前,我会指出一个免责声明。 这些想法并不能保证您一定会参与进来,它们只是可以帮助您的指导原则。

Before you get lost in the so many details in this article, applying for an Outreachy internship is a very engaging process. It requires you to make many decisions and to commit the effort of making contributions as part of the requirements to be accepted.

在您迷失本文中如此众多的细节之前,申请外展实习是一个非常吸引人的过程。 它要求您做出许多决定,并做出贡献的努力,这是被接受的要求的一部分。

To get the most of your application process, you need to ensure:


  • You Start Early

  • Narrow down your project choices to two at the most

  • Set your goals

  • Engage with the community and project Mentors frequently

  • Focus on progress not perfection

  • Remember the process is much more important than the outcome


Let me elaborate on these.


尽早开始 (Start Early)

One of the things you need to do is not procrastinate till like a week before the deadline. The application process is engaging. You need to start the process early so that the project mentors and community get to know and interact with you and the magic you can do early in the process.

您需要做的一件事是直到截止日期前一周才拖延 。 申请过程很吸引人。 您需要及早开始流程,以便项目指导者和社区与您了解并与您互动,以及您可以在流程中尽早完成的工作。

If the mentors get to know you early and longer, then their decisions to choose you will be more informed than if you come in days before the deadline.


缩小项目选择范围 (Narrow down your project choices)

Outreachy usually has a list of organizations and most of them have interesting projects you would love to work on. In fact, when I was applying for my Outreachy internship I wanted to be everywhere. But you can’t be. That is the fact and if you do try to be everywhere, your chances of getting accepted become few.

Outreachy通常会列出组织列表,其中大多数组织都有您喜欢从事的有趣项目。 实际上,当我申请外展实习时,我想随处可见。 但是你不能。 这是事实,如果您确实尝试遍地开花,那么被接受的机会就很少。

The reason you need to focus on a few projects is that this will enable you to concentrate on being a great candidate for that project. It means you will spend more time understanding the project, communicating with the mentors, and in turn making significant contributions to the project — as opposed to being everywhere and achieving half-baked progress on many projects.

您需要专注于一些项目的原因是,这将使您能够专注于成为该项目的优秀候选人。 这意味着您将花费更多的时间来了解项目,与导师沟通,并反过来为项目做出重大贡献—而不是无所不在,在许多项目上取得了半熟的进展。

设定一些目标 (Set some goals)

After you have selected what projects you want to apply to, you will reach out to the mentors for guidance on first time tasks to work on — or you can look at the project’s issue list for potential tasks. Set some goals for what you want to work on and what kind of candidate you want to be known for.

选择了要应用的项目后,您将与指导者联系以寻求首次任务的指导,或者您可以查看该项目的潜在任务清单。 为您要从事的工作和想要成为什么样的候选人设定一些目标。

For example you could say “I want to make 5 contributions for my application process and have a good proposal”. With your own goals, you won’t fall prey to unnecessary pressure. This shouldn't be a competition with other applicants. With your set goals, you are competing with your own goals and no one else.

例如,您可以说“我想为我的申请过程贡献5份,并且有一个好的建议”。 有了自己的目标,您就不会遭受不必要的压力。 这不应该是与其他申请人的竞争。 有了设定的目标,您就在与自己的目标竞争,而没有其他人在竞争。

经常与社区和项目导师互动 (Engage the community and project Mentors frequently)

One of the ways you will get to understand the project and get more help on the task you are doing is by talking to the project mentors and community frequently.


This makes you get used to working with the mentors and community early because during your internship you will need to do this. Discuss what you are about to work on, what you are working on and even discuss the patch. This gives the impression that you know what you are doing but also helps you get feedback early enough.

这样可以使您早日习惯与导师和社区合作,因为在实习期间,您需要这样做。 讨论您将要从事的工作,正在从事的工作,甚至讨论补丁。 这给人的印象是您知道自己在做什么,而且还可以帮助您足够早地获得反馈。

Ask questions when you are stuck, open source projects are worked on as a community. There is no need to die with a blocker.

当您遇到困难时提出问题,开源项目将作为一个社区而工作。 无需死于阻断剂。

Tasks are not meant to kill people but there should be a balance between you finding a way of solving some problems independently as well.


Do some homework before asking, do some research on the subject before asking. If you fail to get a solution, then engage your mentors as soon as possible. Challenges keep us motivated to work on a daily basis, so try that challenge and then ask your mentor. Do not spend 2 hours on a blocker, just reach out.

在问之前做一些功课,在问之前对这个问题做一些研究。 如果您找不到解决方案,请尽快与您的导师联系。 挑战使我们保持每天工作的积极性,因此请尝试挑战,然后咨询您的导师。 不要花2个小时在阻滞剂上,只需伸出手即可。

进步不是完美 (Progress not perfection)

When you are given a task, you may get tempted to go hide yourself in the basement so that you come up with a solution a week later with all its glory, unit tested and whatever you think in your head is the best solution to the task.


The focus is to commit early, and get feedback as early as possible so that you get a patch merged in the shortest time possible. Patches become perfect only after being committed. It is the feedback that we get from reviewers and community that makes patches perfect. Therefore, quit the basement and work with the community.

重点是尽早提交,并尽早获得反馈,以便您在尽可能短的时间内合并补丁。 补丁只有在提交后才能变得完美。 我们从审阅者和社区获得的反馈使补丁变得完美。 因此,请退出地下室并与社区合作。

与导师讨论实习项目 (Discuss the internship project with mentors)

There is usually a project you will be working on that you won’t start until you are accepted to be an Outreachy intern. As you make contributions, create some time to discuss the milestones of the project that you will be working on, if you are accepted, with your mentors. Let your mentor advise you on scope and time lines.

通常会有一个您要从事的项目,直到您被接受为Outreachy实习生后,您才可以开始。 在您做出贡献时,请花一些时间与导师讨论您将要从事的项目的里程碑(如果被接受)。 让您的指导者在范围和时间表上为您提供建议。

This will inform you on how to create a time line when you are filling in the Outreachy application form. You will fill out this form with an informed mind on the project tasks and this is a plus when they are assessing you.

当您填写Outreachy申请表时,这将通知您如何创建时间线。 您将在知情的情况下填写此表格以了解项目任务,这在他们评估您时是一个加分项。

Also, ask for feedback on the proposal/application form contents before the deadline. Feedback will always make anything you work on better.

另外,在截止日期之前要求对提案/申请表内容进行反馈。 反馈将始终使您的工作做得更好。

这个过程比结果重要得多 (The process is much more important than the outcome)

The tough truth to your Outreachy application is either you were accepted or you were not accepted to this round of Outreachy. I have had the chance of knowing how both decisions feel.

您的外联申请的硬道理是您被接纳还是未被接纳。 我有机会知道两个决定的感受。

Now let me tell you something, the real beauty about Outreachy is the process.The first time I applied to Outreachy I didn’t get in.


But I learned Golang. I used that skill on my next project. I was accepted the second time and now I work on a couple of Go projects. Maybe this is not convincing enough.

但是我学了Golang。 我在下一个项目中使用了该技能。 我第二次被录取,现在我从事了几个Go项目。 也许这还不足以令人信服。

I applied to an organization that did not accept me. But from the tasks I worked on with Python compatibility, I got inspired to write my first book about . Due to the scarcity of material on the subject, Apress gladly accepted it for publishing.

我向不接受我的组织提出申请。 但是从从事Python兼容性的工作中,我受到启发而写了第一本有关 。 由于缺少有关该主题的材料,Apress很高兴接受其出版。

The application process should be attempted by everyone. Whether you get in or not, it is always a win. You will have made contributions to a project that will act as your project references for your next opportunity.

每个人都应尝试申请过程。 不管您是否参加,始终都是胜利。 您将为一个项目做出贡献,该项目将作为您下一次机会的项目参考。

You will have started yourself in open source if you are a beginner to FOSS. The FOSS mentors are always willing to guide you should you want to continue with contributing.

如果您是FOSS的初学者,那么您将开始使用开源。 如果您想继续做出贡献,FOSS导师总是愿意为您提供指导。

You will have been introduced to and learned from the best and most welcoming people in this tech industry to prepare for your future opportunities.


If you forget anything here, don't forget the fact that applying to Outreachy is always a win, accepted or not. And do not forget to apply again in the next round. If you fail — keep trying till you get in.

如果您忘记了这里的任何内容,请不要忘记申请Outreachy始终是成功或被接受的事实。 并且不要忘记在下一轮再次申请。 如果失败,请继续尝试,直到成功为止。

Good luck to everyone applying!!! May the force be with you. As always ping me if you have any questions.

祝大家申请成功!!! 愿原力与你同在。 如果您有任何疑问,请一如既往地与我联系。




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